What is the Sandwich Generation?

The sandwich generation are those people sandwiched between two generations - taking care of children and taking care of aging parents, at the same time!

It was 2015 — I was a full-time working mom of two high school students - one getting ready for college and the other just starting her high school years.

Meanwhile, I was also caring for both parents who were over 80 and living in an Assisted Living facility. I was a poster child for the Sandwich Generation – one of many adults in the world who have children living in their homes, and who are also caring for an aging parent.

I was squeezed!

A 2022 Pew Research Study (in the United States) suggested that about 54% of Americans have a parent over age 65 and are raising a child under age 18, or have anĀ adult child they financially support.Ā 

Baby Boomers, one of the largest and most influential generations, have constantly challenged the status quoā€”and theyā€™re doing it again as they approach retirement. Now is the time to spark meaningful conversations about family, caregiving, and how we navigate this transformative phase of life.